Friday, January 21, 2011

The Graduate School

I work at The Graduate School, which is always capitalized, because it's Powerful.  I guess.  I've worked there since I was a freshman in college.  They finally gave me my own little office space where I can shut the door and hide from people and everything.

When I has hired to the new, improved, little office space job I moved to a department with far fewer people.  Only three in The Graduate School's building to be exact.  There are two other people in our department who are housed in a different building but that's it.

My boss and supervisor both used to be women but they left for greener pastures and I got stuck with two guys.  At first I was like, "These guys don't appreciate my feelings," but then I realized that they were guys and they just felt their feelings differently.  And THEN I remembered that I'm a big dyke and I totally get along better with guys anyway.

The other day I developed my boss's celebrity power couple name.  I like to imagine them as one powerful entity.  I've combined their two names and called them Markael.

The big boss, the one who works crazy hours and probably makes crazy money I call Markael the Mighty, while my supervisor, who works crazy hours as Markael the Mighty's personal slave, I call Markael the Tired.  (names subject to change as they grow more/less mighty/tired)

I like working at the same university I got my degree from because I can take walks on my lunch break and reminisce over fond memories while I take a tour of all the places on campus I've gotten high.

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