Monday, January 24, 2011

Back in my Costco days

Back in my married, Orange County living days I used to do really adult things with my "husband"; like get high and go to Costco.  We would eat samples and Robert would return things that he had bought and grown tired of.

Most people return things only if they've bought the wrong size or if they've been given a present they'd rather not have.  Not Robert.  Robert keeps the receipts for everything and he knows exactly how long Costco's return policy is good for.

One day Robert told me we needed to go to Costco to return the table that was sitting outside on the back patio.

"Robert, you can't return that table, it's dirty.  They're going to know you've been using it."

Not to be dissuaded, Robert got a cloth and some soapy water and cleaned the table.

"Robert, you can't return that table, they're going to look at the receipt and say you've had it for too long."

Robert explained that Costco never questioned you when you brought something back to the store, as long as you had the receipt and brought it back within 6 months.

"Robert, you can't return that table, we burned a big hole through it with one of those candles."

This one gave Robert some few seconds of pause, before he flipped the table over, peeled off the sticker that had come with it, and slapped it over the hole.

"See," he said.  "This is why I always keep the original sticker."

That day we went to Costco, I let Robert stand in the return line on his own.

1 comment:

  1. there you go, hodonna. you have a follower. you are now obligated to upkeep your blog so as to keep me entertained during my tedious days at work.

    p.s. i miss camp robert, let's take a camper vacay soon.
